Advanced Bipolar Energy (1 of 10)
Bipolar Electrosurgery System
The VERSAPOINT II bipolar electrosurgery system allows surgeons to diagnose and treat myomas, polyps, intrauterine adhesions or septa and endometrial ablation.
- Safe bipolar technology1-3
- Broad portfolio of electrodes
- Smooth and rapid tissue vaporization
- Precise cutting and resection of tissue
- VERSAPOINT II bipolar generator
1 Gynecare VERSAPOINT II Bipolar Electrosurgery System Instructions for Use. Ethicon Women’s Health & Urology. Somerville, NJ, USA; 2010.
2 Berg A, Sandvik L, Langebrekke A, Istre O. A randomized trial comparing monopolar electrodes using glycine 1.5% with two different types of bipolar electrodes (TCRis, VERSAPOINT) using saline, in hysteroscopic surgery. Fertility and Sterility. 2009;91(4):1273-1278.
3 Munro MG, Brill AI, Ryan T, Ciarrocca S. Electrosurgery-Induced Generation of Gases: Comparison of in Vitro Rates of Production Using Bipolar and Monopolar Electrodes. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2003;10(2):252-259.